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Visual Building for Builders

Both small and large building contractors can benefit from Visual Building. Use Visual Building to create plans that can be presented both as 2D and 3D, that allow you to communicate with your clients. Many people do not fully understand 2D plans, but now you can present that same 2D plan as a 3D visualisation.

Builders need a software tool that is capable of planning, creating site plans, planning applications, landscaping and much more and so we recommend either the Visual Building Professional or Premium versions.  However, which ever version you purchase, you can always upgrade, without any loss of investment. You could even start with the Visual Building Basic version and as you require more features, simply upgrade to the next version.

Using the videos and articles in our GUIDES menu and the additional Visual Building Tutorial Videos you will quickly be able to use this software.

Visual Building Basic

Visual Building Basic
Has been developed as an easy to use design and visualisation tool for self builder,extentions..
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Visual Building PRO

Visual Building PRO
Used by all user groups specifically to create professional plans...
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Visual Building Premium

Visual Building Premium
Our most powerful design and visualisation tool specifically created for ...
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